For the production or transformation of goods the use of heat is often required. This applies to the baking of bread just as to the production of plastic products, the... read more →
Plant operators discuss again and again about the question, if spaces, in which thermal oil plants are operated, must be considered as hazardous zones. The editors had an interview with... read more →
The requirements for heat transfer oils are widely spread and mainly depend on each individual application. To name would be the good thermal stability and low viscosity, a highest possible... read more →
The Bielefeld specialist for heat transfer and thermal oil applications heat 11 has successfully delivered a plant with two heaters to Yanbu in Saudi Arabia. The heaters ensure the heating... read more →
Different studies are based on the scenario that in the year 2050 the solar thermal technologies cover about 5 to 10 % of the electricity worldwide. Some scientists even assume... read more →
The last part of our series "Measures to enhance efficiency" is dedicated to the topic firing system. The sources for energy losses at thermal process plants are numerous: Radiation losses,... read more →
Loss of pressure means loss of money Pressure losses in heat transfer plants basically arise by friction on the interior walls of heaters, piping, fittings or instruments. When the... read more →
The image shows a complete equipped container with exterior steam generation and vessels. The plant was developed for a soil treatment / decontamination plant in Australia. These components are usually... read more →
The Bielefeld specialist for heat transfer and thermal oil applications heat 11 received a major order in March 2014 for the supply of a plant for heating of a crude... read more →
Pumps consume much electrical energy - the choice and configuration of the correct pumpt is therefore extremely important. If mistakes are made, the hereby incurred extra costs during the plant's... read more →